Sandplay Processes – Series of Pictures – Active Imagination
The Institute of Sandplay Therapy in Romania invites you to a special event!!
Sandplay Processes – Series of Pictures – Active Imagination
Similarities and differences of 3 deeply impressive ways in which psychic processes can manifest themselve
29th of October 2022 , 10:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 15:00

Ruth Ammann – CGJIZ, IAAP ISST
Jungian Training Analyst – C.G.Jung Institute, Zurich.
Supervisor and Sandplay Therapist in private practice in Zürich.
President of ISST (Intern. Society for Sandplay Therapy) for 8 years, 2003- 2011.
Actual curator of the C.G.Jung Picture Archive at CGJung Institute, Zurich.
Swiss, born in Zürich. Dipl. Architect ETH, worked as an architect for 13 years.
Graduated 1979 as Jungian Psychoanalyst at the C.G.Jung-Institute in Zürich.
Teaching and lecturing at the Jung-Institute Zürich and in many countries.
New on YouTube:
Speaking of Jung, Ep.61, Ruth Ammann on the Picture Archive at the C.G.Jung Institute Zürich.
Healing and Transformation in Sandplay: Creative processes made visible.
The enchantment of gardens, Daimon Einsiedeln, Switzerland 2008
Co-editor of the upcoming book:
Treasures from the archives C.G.Jung Institute Zürich, Diane Sherwood”
Details about the Seminar:
“For Jungians, the ultimate goal of an analysis is to accompany a person seeking help on the path of individuation. To do this, the person must engage in an encounter with something that lies beyond their conscious ego. This confrontation with oneself can happen through work with dreams, but it becomes particularly visible and much more clearly comprehensible in Sandplay processes, picture series and active imaginations In this seminar I would like to show you how this ongoing process is presented in the different forms, and when in the analysis, or for which analysands the respective method can be effective.”
Participant should have knowledge of Sandplay and Jungian psychotherapy. Material will be sent to be read before the workshop.
Price: 60 Eur. Early bird (until 10th Oct.) and IST members: 50 Eur.
For registrations, please send an email to [email protected]